Noom Gift Card Survey Scam

Wittels McInturff Palikovic is investigating numerous complaints from consumers regarding Noom’s potentially fraudulent practice of promising a gift card for completing a Noom research survey.

Upon investigation, evidence suggests that Noom sent consumers an email requesting that they complete a survey in exchange for a $20 Amazon gift card. Consumers who upheld their end of the bargain claim that Noom in turn failed to honor its promise and is not providing the gift card. Those consumers allege that Noom told them the survey email was sent out by mistake, and Noom is therefore refusing to fulfill its end of the bargain.

Consumers are furious with Noom, calling the gift card email a “scam,” “sneaky,” and a “con,” accusing Noom of being “dishonest,” and complaining that Noom forced consumers to waste their time to collect their personal information. These consumers allege that Noom in fact never intended to provide gift cards and simply thought it could trick people into answering a survey for nothing. Other consumers claim that when they tried to reply to Noom’s gift card email to get their promised $20, the email “bounced back,” making it unnecessarily difficult to complain about the bait-and-switch. WMP has already filed class actions against companies that have engaged in similar deceptive practices and may file similar lawsuits on behalf of Noom survey participants to obtain the gift cards Noom promised but failed to provide.

If you were promised a $20 gift card for completing a Noom survey and did not receive it, you are not alone! We urge you to contact a class action attorney at WMP for a free case evaluation.  Should a lawsuit be brought, there is no cost or fee involved in joining the case.  You can contact us by clicking here, calling (914) 775-8862, or emailing us at