Plexus Worldwide California Auto Renewal Investigation

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Wittels McInturff Palikovic is investigating complaints from California consumers regarding multi-level marketing diet supplement company Plexus and its potentially illegal practice of using consumers’ credit card or other payment information to automatically renew those consumers’ memberships and/or send them additional products without their consent.  

Upon investigation, evidence suggests that Plexus may have lured unsuspecting consumers into paying for an annual membership as part of Plexus’s Ambassador or VIP Customer programs and then continued to charge those consumers yearly without their knowledge or consent. Additional investigation suggests that Plexus may enroll VIP customers into expensive monthly product subscriptions without their consent. As one consumer put it, “each month I continue to receive the product that I do not want and my credit card is charged.” Another consumer wrote, “who knows how many other people . . . haven’t figured out [Plexus is] still taking their money.” 

Consumer complaints further suggest that Plexus makes it difficult to cancel memberships and autorenewing product subscriptions and that consumers either receive “no response” from the company when they attempt to do so or believe that they have successfully cancelled when they have not. According to one Plexus consumer, “they apparently make it difficult to cancel on purpose so they can still make money.”  Consumers further complain that they “keep getting sneaky charges” on their credit cards and Plexus is “another scam to steal your money” through “deceptive” and “fraudulent” business practices.

WMP has already filed class actions against companies that have engaged in similar deceptive practices and may file similar lawsuits on behalf of California customers of Plexus to recover unauthorized charges and other damages. 

If you are located in California and were enrolled into an automatically renewing Plexus subscription without your consent, you are not alone! We urge you to contact a class action attorney at WMP for a free case evaluation.  Should a lawsuit be brought, there is no cost or fee involved in joining the case.  You can contact us by clicking here, calling (914) 775-8862, or emailing us at